Documentation on Best practices for Virtual Server

29. August 2006 11:48 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

When you make a Virtual Server deployment, make sure that you follow Microsoft’s recommended Best practices for Virtual Server. They can improve the performance of Virtual Server installations, and make your life as a system administrator easier.

One important thing that many people overlook when creating multiple VMs is the importance of using Sysprep. I wrote a quick walkthrough here, and you can find documentation on Microsoft’s website about it as well. Sysprep makes sure that each cloned virtual machine will be unique – not using it may introduce security and performance issues in your network.

Error while linking a C++ Application with Virtual Server

29. August 2006 05:51 by Csaborio in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)
While trying to build a C++ application that tried to use the library from Virtual Server library VSComInterfaces.lib, we were getting a linker error that had us baffled for quite some time:

Error     1          error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _IID_IVMVirtualServer  EnumVMs.obj    
Error     2          fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals          H:\Virtua\M01\Exercise-6\VMListing\Debug\VMListing.exe          

Searching for an answer in various search engines, only lead us back to where the example source code had originated:

We had no idea what was going on...we had brought the library from the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual Server\Documentation directory from the server...the server...the x64  server!!!!

A quick check using dumpbin displayed the following info on the lib:

            8664 machine (x64)
               3 number of sections
        43589BDA time date stamp Fri Oct 21 00:42:18 2005
             57D file pointer to symbol table
              47 number of symbols

We quickly compiled to 64-bit to see if the 64-bit library was indeed the culprit.  The app compiled without any problems!!

Bringing over the 32-bt lib file from a 32-bit Virtual Server allowed us to create the 32-bit version of the application and everything is back to normal.

Hopefully someone will find this post if they ever encounter the same problem in the future.

Reading Virtual Server's performance counters from .NET

29. August 2006 01:55 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

This code allows you to retrieve the information for Virtual Server’s performance counters from C#. It reads both the Virtual Machines and Virtual Processors counters.


   1:  PerformanceCounterCategory vmCat =
new PerformanceCounterCategory("Virtual Machines");
   2:              PerformanceCounterCategory vpCat = 
new PerformanceCounterCategory("Virtual Processors");
   3:  string[] vmInstances = vmCat.GetInstanceNames();
   4:  string[] vpInstances = vpCat.GetInstanceNames();
   6:  List<PerformanceCounter> countersList = 
new List<PerformanceCounter>();
   8:  foreach (string instance in vmInstances){
   9:  PerformanceCounter[] counters =
  10:  foreach (PerformanceCounter pc in counters)
  11:  {
  12:              countersList.Add(pc);
  13:  }
  15:  foreach (string instance in vpInstances)
  16:  {
  17:              PerformanceCounter[] counters =
  18:              foreach (PerformanceCounter pc in counters)
  19:              {
  20:                          countersList.Add(pc);
  21:              }
  22:  }
  24:  while (true)
  25:  {
  26:              System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);
  27:              foreach (PerformanceCounter pc in countersList)
  28:              {
  29:                          Console.WriteLine(
                                  "{0}:\"{1}\" Counter:{2} Value:{3}",
                                  pc.CategoryName, pc.InstanceName,
                                  pc.CounterName, pc.NextValue());
  30:              }
  31:  }

Differences bewteen Virtual Server and the Hypervisor

25. August 2006 04:03 by Csaborio in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)
When working with these labs, people who have heard about the hypervisor integration
usually ask what is going to be different between the hypervisor and the current offerings or Virtual Server 2005 R2 Beta. In this link, you an find extensive information about the difference between them, but of special interest is the table below:

Virtual Server 2005 R2
Windows Server Virtualization
32-bit VMs
64-bit VMs
Multi-processor VMs?
Yes, up to 8 processor VMs
VM memory support?
3.6 GB per VM
More than 32 GB per VM
Hot add memory/processors?
Hot add storage/networking?
Can be managed by System Center Virtual Machine Manager?
Cluster support?
Yes, using COM
Yes, using WMI
Number of running VMs?
More than 64. As many as hardware will allow.
User interface
Web Interface
MMC 3.0 Interface

This table only goes to show that Microsoft’s Virtualization strategy in the future will offer a lot more than Virtual Server. Keep in mind that these features will be available about 180 days after Windows Longhorn Server ships, so until then, we will just have to sit back and watch these long awaited features with a lot of patience.

Paravirtualization and Xen

25. August 2006 03:57 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

Another virtual machine product that has been making a lot of noise lately is Xen, the open source project from Xensource. Xen uses a different  approach to virtualization than Virtual Server, called Paravirtualization. In this type of virtualization, the guest OS has to be modified to work with a software interface to the Virtual Machine Monitor, instead of thinking it is running on the hardware. The thing is that this actually enables better performance of the Guest OS, as it aware that is running on a virtual machine environment. Xen also supports running unmodified OSes, but for that it is mandatory to have hardware virtualization (VT-x on Intel or SVM on AMD CPUs).

The next releases of Windows Virtualization are implementing a similar approach. It will still be pure virtualization, but the Guest OS will also be enlightened. What this means is that the Guest OS will be aware that it is running on a VM, so it will be able to increase the performance using a modified kernel. The best part about all this is that Microsoft and Xensource are actually working together to make sure that the technology included with Windows Virtualization will be compatible with the technology used in Xen. So, at the end, we, the customers, win.

Intellisense in VS

22. August 2006 06:53 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

If you would like to edit XML files in Visual Studio and use intellisense, this is what you have to do:

Locate your schema, then copy it to C:\Progam Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml.

Then open your XML document and reference the schema by its namespace URI in the root element.

If you want to automate the update of your schema files the use scripting on the Visual Studio's OnStartupComplete event.


Adding a duplicated computer to the domain

18. August 2006 11:47 by smurillo in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

We at the virtualization team, have been creating copies of a virtual machine to use them as workstations that will be grouped into a domain. The only problem is that the original virtual machine was not syspreped and apparently this is creating problems joining the domain; this can be seen when new users can not log in the new virtual machine.

One quick and easy way that we have found helpful to fix this is changing the name of the computer (to avoid the duplicated name) and moving it to a temporary workgroup at the same time (we couldn't get to rename otherwise). Then we just made the computer reboot, and then moved it back to the domain, and reboot again. After that, it worked just fine.

Let Your Script Choose It's Host

18. August 2006 06:50 by smurillo in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

When you are creating scripts to be executed by the Windows Scrip Host, you know there are two applications that could host your script: WScript which is a GUI host or CScript which is a console based host. By default Windows uses WScript, but you can change the default host with a simple command wscript //H:WScript will set WScript to be the default host, and wscript //H:CScript will set CScript to be the host.

But what happens if you don't want to get such an ultimatum for all of your scripts. Wouldn't it be nice if you could make your script choose it's own host? I asked my self that question and found this VBScript code online (I couldn't find the original source):

' Forces this script to be run under the desired scripting host.
' Valid sScriptEng arguments are "wscript" or "cscript".
' If you don't supply a valid name, Force will switch hosts.
Sub Force(sScriptEng)
 If Lcase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 12)) = "\wscript.exe" Then
  If Instr(1, Wscript.FullName, sScriptEng, 1) = 0 Then
   'Need to switch to CSCRIPT
   CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "cscript.exe " & Chr(34) & Wscript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34)
  End If
  If Instr(1, Wscript.FullName, sScriptEng, 1) = 0 Then
   'Need to switch to WSCRIPT
   CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "wscript.exe " & Wscript.ScriptFullName
  End If
 End If
End Sub

All you need to do is call this procedure at the beginning of your script and it will be ready to go. So, for example:

Force "cscript"

will force your script to run on the CScript host. A wrong parameter will just force the script to run on the opposite host.

Set your scripts free!

Who says you can't expand VHDS?

17. August 2006 12:36 by Csaborio in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)
It is a well known fact that dynamic VHDs that reach their limit cannot be made any bigger when running in Virtual Server.  I recently stumbled onto this problem when creating a differentiating disk from a base install of a dynamic disk of Win2K3 with 2 GB tops space.  I had two choices at this point:

  1. Create a new VHD and install everything I had done
  2. Try to find a way to expand the VHD with whatever hack came to my mind.
Being the stubborn person that I am, I decided to follow the latter.

The good news is that i t can be done - the bad news is that it may be a bit of an overkill!  Anyhow, here is what you need:

  1. A BartPE ISO that has some kind of imaging utility (ours has Ghost and TrueImage - amazing programs!)
  2. A fixed empty VHD that will fit the image of the disk you are trying to expand
  3. Lots of patience
Step 1: Image the Image

  1. Add the BartPE.iso as an additional CD-ROM Drive
  2. Add the empty VHD (let's call it images.vhd) as an additional VHD
  3. Boot your PC, it should boot from the CD and Bart-PE should start
  4. Format images.vhd into an NTFS drive using whatever you want
  5. Create an image of your source disk (the one you are trying to expand) and place it on the images drive
Step 2: Restore the Image

  1. Create a new VM configuration with a new VHD that will hold the new size (format it as NTFS with any utility you like)
  2. Add the BartPE.iso as an additional CD-ROM Drive
  3. Add the images VHD as an additional VHD
  4. Boot your PC, it should boot from the CD and Bart-PE should start
  5. Use Ghost or whatever you want to restore from the Image from the Images.vhd
Reboot.  Enjoy!

UrlRewriting Library for Asp.Net 2.0

15. August 2006 11:28 by Mquiros in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

Checking ScottGu's Blog the other day, he pointed to some useful links, I specially like the UrlRewriting library, I'm considering using it so wait for updates for my experience with it. I recommend to check that library it looks really good.

Via ScottGu's Blog

UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewrite V2.0 Released: Albert Weinert sent me mail on Friday pointing me at the new release of the UrlRewriting engine that he and Thomas Bandt wrote for ASP.NET. It is available as a free download and includes samples + full source code.

Live Writer sample post

15. August 2006 06:44 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags: ,   //   Comments (0)

The Windows Live team recently launched the Live Writer tool for writing blog posts. This is a sample post made with the tool. So far, it looks nice, with most features already working.

One of the nicest features is Live Map integration:

San Jose, Costa Rica

I think I am going to stick with Blogjet for the time being (especially for the flickr integration). But it won't harm you to check out Live Writer as well.

Virtualization 101 for IT

11. August 2006 08:09 by Csaborio in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)
Without a doubt, Virtualization is the tech buzz word for this year.  Every newsletter I receive has a link to at least 3 VT sites.  Recently I stumbled on this entry which is a podcast by Dean Wells, who does a great job explaining what IT should consider nowadays when making computer purchases. 

I think many IT departments are blindly making purchases of hardware that do not support VT technology.  What they don't know is that the moment they purchase this new equipment, they are pretty much buying outdated equipment.  Mr. Wells does an amazing job explaining what IT departments should strive for when making these types of decisions, it is definitely worth a listen.

Copy and Paste from Host VM to Guest VM (and vice-versa)

11. August 2006 06:08 by Csaborio in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)
I have to admit I was a bit shocked when I tried to copy and paste text between VMs using Virtual Server.  The clipboard was not copied at all and there was no easy way to transfer text back and forth.  I tried installing the Virtual PC Additions and still no luck.  I could not believe they left out a feature like this one out - I don't know if enabling this is trivial using some super secret setting, but until then, here is a workaround.

It is actually quite simple, and it was Stephen who hinted me on this while I was ranting.  On the host machine, enable Remote Desktop Connections and connect using a RDC client.  You will be connecting to the VM just like any other mahine, and RDC supports copying and pasting of text back and forth.

Not the best solution, I know, but it gets the job done.  It is also worth noting that the same problem happens with VMWare's VM player.

Remote Virtual Server Object

11. August 2006 05:53 by smurillo in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

We, here at the virtualization team, have been digging around and testing some of the development options you have for the automation of virtualized environments.

Developers might be waiting for that famous Microsoft Hypervisor that will be available with Windows Server "Longhorn". In the meantime, there are still tools you can use. The Virtual Server COM API is one of them.

You can instantiate this object on a local server where Virtual Server is up and running and you can then have access to its properties and procedures. But if you want to develop something a bit more dynamic you might be interested on creating a centralized management tool for a group of Virtual Servers. This can be accomplished by initializing the Virtual Server Object remotely. Learn more about this by accessing the Virtual Server Programmers Guide, included in your Virtual Server installation.

What I want to point out on this entry is that if you are planning to use the remote access, beware you are going to need your Virtual Server on the same domain where the application is running, or as a difficult alternative you can set up a trusted link. Also, the user executing the code must be added to the Administrator's group on the remote Virtual Server. Failing on doing this will lead to runtime security issues that will simply prevent the object from having access to the remote server.

Virtual Server, WMI and C#

11. August 2006 00:18 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

This code snippet allows you to connect to a remote instance of Virtual Server 2005 R2, via WMI, and retrieve all the Virtual Machine WMI objects.

   2:  System.Management.ConnectionOptions co = 
   3:      new System.Management.ConnectionOptions();
   4:  co.Username = user;
   5:  co.Password = password;
   7:  ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(
   8:      new ManagementPath(@"\\"+computer+
  10:  scope.Connect();
  11:  SelectQuery oq = 
  12:      new SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM VirtualMachine");
  14:  ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
  15:      new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, oq);
  17:  foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get())
  18:  {
  19:       //Do something
  20:  }

You need to provide a user and password with enough credentials to query the Virtual Server instance.
BTW, if you ever need to format your code for display on the web, check out this website.

HP and Intel Developer Workshops - Boston

8. August 2006 18:14 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

There’s a new HP and Intel Developer Workshops coming up in a couple of weeks. This one is going to be in Peabody, MA (close to Boston), between August 22–24. We will be teaching some of the lectures in the 64–bit Windows track.

These workshops provide a great opportunity for you to get hands-on experience on Itanium machines. We will also have open lab time so you can start porting your application to the architecture – and remember that we are going to be around to help you with your efforts.

Microsoft Kills Virtual PC

7. August 2006 15:44 by Csaborio in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)
What?!?  Kill VPC?  A few weeks ago they announced they would give it away for free and now they are ceasing production...does not make sense, does it?

Well, if I add a "for Mac" at the end of the my Blog title it probably makes a lot more sense, doesn't it?  ;) Today the Mac community learned the pleasant surprise that VMWare is going to be releasing a Virtualization solution for Intel Macs.  On the same day, we also find out that Virtual PC for the Mac is going bye-bye :(

While this means that many PPC Macs will be left out in the cold without a way to emulate Windows, I understand where Microsoft is coming from.  Catching up where Parallels is right now in terms of VT support on the Mac would really take a while, and they would basically be starting from square one.  I can't wait to see what VMWare has up their sleeve...beating Parallels in the Virtualization market on Intel Macs is certainly a tough challenge.

Tool for creating MSDN-style documentation from .NET code

7. August 2006 13:47 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags: ,   //   Comments (0)

One nice features of the JLCA is that it converts javadoc-style comments into the corresponding .NET XML comment. Well, a new tool was released a few weeks ago that can take .NET’s XML documentation and create nice looking files. It is called Sandcastle, and is currently a CTP download. It can create .html files from the source code, which can be processed with the HTML Help Workshop to generate a .chm file. It also has a Visual Studio Add-in that makes the process really easy.

You can download the CTP here, and read all about it in the Sandcastle team blog.

Yes!! Virtual Machine Manager (aka Carmine) available for download

7. August 2006 12:15 by Jaguilar in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)

Carmine” (System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) Beta 1) is available for download! You first need to register for the beta at, and then login into with your passport Id.

I just finished downloading it and will start playing with it soon. Too bad that calling into VMM from Powershell and the functionality to convert from a physical machine to a virtual machine are not included in this beta.


7. August 2006 08:53 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)
Some people here in Artinsoft is doing a great deal of work around virtualization. You should check out their posts.
I was preparing a test environment for an application and I needed to run my check in tests in several versions of windows and I found this article

Program Customized Testing Environments Without Trashing Your Machine 

which has been of great help for me in setting up a virtual test lab. I really recommend it. After you read it you will figure out great new test environments.
Like database tests. where you setup a virtual disk with your database, or diferrent images with diferent driver versions.

Good Luck!
