Scripting your applications in .NET

14. August 2008 16:48 by Mrojas in General  //  Tags: , , , , ,   //   Comments (0)

In VB6 it was very simple to add scripting capabilities to your application.
Just by using the Microsoft Script Control Library
You can still use this library in .NET just as Roy Osherove' Bloc show in

However there are some minor details that must be taken care of:

* Objects must be exposed thru COM (Add the [ComVisible(true)] attribute to the class
* Add the ComVisible(true) attribute to the AssemblyInfo file
* Make these objects public
* Recommended (put your calls to Eval or ExecuteStatement inside try-catch blocks).

And here's an example:

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ScriptingDotNetTest
    public partial class frmTestVBScript  : Form
        public int MyBackColor
            get { return System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(this.BackColor); }
            set { this.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(value); }
        MSScriptControl.ScriptControl sc = new MSScriptControl.ScriptControl();
        private void RunScript(Object eventSender, EventArgs eventArgs)
                sc.Language = "VbScript";
                sc.AddObject("myform", this, true);
                sc.ExecuteStatement("myform.MyBackColor = vbRed");
                MSScriptControl.IScriptControl iscriptControl = sc as MSScriptControl.IScriptControl;
                lblError.Text = "ERROR" + iscriptControl.Error.Description + " | Line of error: " + iscriptControl.Error.Line + " | Code error: " + iscriptControl.Error.Text;
        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new frmTestVBScript());

TIP: If you don find the reference in the COM tab, just browse to c:\windows\system32\msscript.ocx