Hello and welcome to my first blog entry. Let’s start with a little introduction…my name is Christian Saborío and I work in San Jose, Costa Rica with a company called Artinsoft. I have been a trainer for the HP/Intel/Microsoft 64-bit developer forum for quite some time now…I believe it will be a year very soon, amazing how time flies The 64-bit developer forum is a joint effort by Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, and Intel to raise awareness on 64-bit and to train people in specific areas when porting applications to 64-bit.
The first event on these series was in Boston. The tour then followed Santa Clara, Phoenix, New Jersey. There are other events planned for this year but have not yet been confirmed. I’ll make sure to keep you posted when I find out the exact dates.
So what’s the difference between this forum and
Route64? In a nutshell, we offer the same courses and have the same support. These courses are not meant to compete with one another; but rather to bring these great labs to a wider audience. The forum offers an introductory price and you get to take a 64-bit machine with you.
Route64 price is not bundled with a machine, but get a special discount when you sign up for this event.