How to Find Which Nodes are running your Tasks in the Compute Cluster Scheduler

15. August 2007 13:06 by Csaborio in General  //  Tags:   //   Comments (0)
When you submit a job to be run in a Compute Cluster Server, you will find some information about the running tasks at the bottom pane.  Information such as error output, task name, and so on is shown, but there is one vital piece of information that should be shown (IMHO) by default and it is not: what nodes are running the current task?

Luckily, this can easily be solved by right clicking on the column headers, selecting Add/Remove Columns and adding the Allocated Nodes column.  This will make it easier to know where to look for output.  The following clip shows how it is done (BTW, if you have not checked Jing, make sure you do, it's amazing):

Oops...nevermind, apparently our Community Server blog cannot embed objects correctly :(

Check out the video in this link:

Finding Nodes of your Job