Maybe I’m
wrong but after 8 year in web development, 4 asp classic year, 2 year
transition to .Net world and last year doing heavy development on 2.0 I
think that I may have a good opinion on the best resources online for the development.
I was
thinking sometime ago about give the credit to the great work of
Mads Kristensen and his .NET SLAVE blog,
to me, the best blog around the blogsphere when talking about ASP.NET
development. But I’ve been kinda lazy and never did so, today I read a blog
post from HIM asking about some stuff , you should read here.
playing around with all free resources online to see coding techniques and
styles (forums, tutorial, blogs, Starter “piece of s***” kits, I easily can say
that Mads’ blog is the best blog around, why? Because if you see around
and read a lot of blogs an related technologies, forums, you can find
good code but NEVER believe me NEVER the complete solution, or not a quality solution,
and to make it even better Mads “KISS” approach just make his blog articles perfect.
I understand that people shouldn’t give away everything they know, that
everybody’s problem to decide to share or not.
concise, ready for deployment in must cases,
an the best of all, HE SHARES real solutions for real problems on real
scenarios, his code snippets are piece of gold when you have the enough
criteria to judge. I don’t want to sounds like a biased person, I don’t
know Mads personally but I bet you he is a great person why? Because persons
who SHARE KNOWLEDGE, - not just simple knowledge –I’m talking about real
knowledge, is great people. I invite you to read his blog everyday and if you
can donate when find something useful I encourage you to do so ( I should do
that to J) Read all the post
Mads wrote, I guarantee you that would be amazed to read all that valuable an C# stuff.
I will make
a resource or blogs list that I read everyday that keeps me on track on latest
news, trends etc, related to an developer but now I just feel necessary
to give Mad something small back compare to his great knowledge.
As I said
Mads code snippets and opinion rocks, and here is my favorite ones.
Search Engine Positioner, I saw this yesterday
and now is used in our marketing department, very valuable tool for SEO
(search engine optimization) , Mads If you read this, this is my "wish a song", Proxy settings, to use 3rd party proxies, this
is very useful when doing SEO out of the US because Search engines give results
depending on your IP country so if you do search engine marketing for another country
rather that yours ( in my case Costa Rica) that would be very valuable).
Some other
And many more, if you put together all the code Mads
provides you can build a great software library to a small general purpose web
Thanks for all, Mads keep sharing, keep rocking!
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