This past two weeks I have been working on a deployment that involves technologies like PXE, WinPE, Windows Deployment Services, the Windows Automated Installation Kit, and others. I was stuck for a while with WinPE, having issues when trying to capture a Windows image using the WDS Capture disk.
Most of the issues I had were driver-related. When I started, neither the network nor the hard drive of the machine (SATA drivers!! argh!!) were available to WinPE.
So, I did the following:
- Get the storage drivers from Intel’s website. You can download them from here. Make sure you download the Vista version of the drivers.
- Unpack them on a temporary directory. In my case I ran:
iata621_enu.exe -A -PF:\intel
- Mount the Capture WinPE 2.0 wim image (generated through the WDS console) to a directory:
imagex /mountrw d:\temp\capture.wim 1 d:\temp\wpe
- Copy the file C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe to d:\temp\wpe or where you mounted the wim image).
- Now, add the drivers to the WinPE image with the following command:
peimg PF:\intel\*.inf d:\temp\wpe\Windows
- Unmount the WinPE wim image:
imagex /unmount /commit d:\temp\wpe
- Add the WIM image to WDS. On the console, select Windows Deployment Services->Servers->->Boot Images->(Right Click)->Add Boot Image, and browse to the WIM you just unmounted
- Boot the target machine using PXE and make sure it loads the correct WIM image
- Ok, so here is where I had issues:
- First, the WDS Image Capture Wizard didn't list the SATA drives. Turns out the driver loaded correctly, but for some reason it couldn't see the drive.
- If you run into an issue where the driver won't load, try using the drvload command from the WinPE command prompt..
- Because of those issues, I had to fall back to the command line. To do this, press Shift-F10 in the Capture Wizard, and that will open a command prompt.
- Once in the command prompt, create the image using imagex:
imagex /capture c: c:\myimage.wim "My Image" /compress maximum
- With the image created, map a network drive on the server, and copy it back:
net use i: \\\share * /user:
- Copy the image back to the server (I: drive)
- Turn the machine off.
- Enjoy your newly captured image!!!!