Hi, for several months I lived with an extremely unconfortable bug.
On some pages IE will display an alert dialog indicating
A Runtime Error has occurred.
Do you wish to Debug?
Line: blablabla
Error: blablalba
Well finally I looked in google and found this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822521
So if anybody had to live with this bug like me, I hope this helps him
Here is a valuable comment I received. So I'm adding it so it will help somebody else.
I was plagued by the "Runtime error - do you wish to debug?" problem for months
and finally resolved it last night, after testing everything else in the MS knowledgebase
to no avail (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308260/ln/).
The problem disappeared instantly after a tip-off elsewhere to install & run SpyBot. (Looks like my SpywareBlaster 4.1 failed me there.)
So it wasn't:
my IE 7 settings (Disable script debugging),
operating system (XP Pro SP3),
firewall (Comodo Pro),
antivirus (Avast!) or
scripting engine (WindowsScript 5.7) - just Spyware