We are racing against time to get an application ready that needs to deploy images with WDS and Active Directory. This is the latest problem I have encountered:
Ok, so based on this article (http://technet2.microsoft.com/windowsserver/en/library/383538a3-4129-4205-b363-d36b08e22ca81033.mspx?mfr=true)
, when using WDS and having the machine boot, you can bypass the F12
keypress by replacing pxeboot.ini by pxeboot.n12. This works like a
charm, all machines that boot into the PXE server bypass the F12 key.
However, I would like to specify which machines should boot fron
pxeboot.com and pxeboot.n12. I generated an Excel sheet that has the
info required to prestage the client on the AD. This is what I have
entered on the 4th row:
SERVER01 GUID Location.... \\wds_server_name\reminst\Boot\x86\pxeboot.n12
pre-stages the machine on AD and based on what I have read, will point
the machine (identified by its GUID to boot from the pxeboot.n12 file).
I have used the script called "PrestagRISCInt.vbs" (found here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=aaf0a7a4-71c1-4ee9-b974-66214651a23b&displaylang=en) and issued the following command:
cscript /InputFile:C:\Foo.xls /Server:hpc-dc
After a short wait, I get the following message: "Success creating new computer accounts in Active Directory based on UUIDs!"
When I boot tha machine, it still requests F12 to be pressed, which means that it is STILL using pxeboot.com to boot.
I have followed all the instructions carefully, any idea on what the problem might be?